duminică, 30 octombrie 2011

recomandari IV :

" So what's more likely? That an all-powerful, mysterious God created the Universe, and decided not to give any proof of his existence? Or, that He simply doesn't exist at all, and that we created Him, so that we wouldn't have to feel so small and alone? "

 " Well, Clarice - have the lambs stopped screaming? "

" -What is your name
- Butch.
- What does it mean?
- I'm American, honey. Our names don't mean shit. "

" - Sa va spun eu cum sta treaba. Revolutia a inceput la Timisoara, da ? S-a exstins in toata tara si a ajuns evident si in fundul tarii, aici la noi in oras .
- Da, si ce-i cu asta ?
- Cum adica ce-i cu asta? uite, matale stii cum se aprind felinarele pe strada seara ? Stii cum se aprind seara si se sting dimineata ?
- Dar ce are asta cu felinare ?
- Pai..aaare pentru ca uite asa a inceput si revolutia. a inceput la Timisoara, pe urma la Bucuresti si tot asa pana a ajuns la noi in oras.
- Dar ce are revolutia cu felinarele ?
- Are dom'le cum sa nu aiba, ca tot asa se aprind si felinarele,  intai in centru pe urma in tot orasul pana la cea mai amarata strada. "

" - Have you lost your mind? You are just a kid! 
- A kid? I smoke, I snort. I've killed and robbed. I'm a man. "

 " I read somewhere... how important it is in life not necessarily to be strong... but to feel strong. "

" We lived on farms, then we lived in cities, and now we're going to live on the internet! "

" - Don't I have any rights?
 - Many privileges. 
 - Not the same thing. "

 " I'm tired of being pissed off, Danny. I'm just tired of it. "

" Have you ever had two people look at you, with complete lust and devotion, through the same pair of eyes?  "

Un comentariu:

Anonim spunea...

This is a wonderful rapid piece of writing I truly loved it

As a final point , allow me thank you for your understanding with my English as (I am confident you have figured this by now,), English is not my mother tongue thus I am utilizing Google Translate to shape out what to compose what I actually wish to articulate.